A+醫(yī)學(xué)百科 >> 藥品百科 >> 中藥百科 >> 鯽魚 | 中藥圖典 |
鯽魚 Jì Yú |
別名 | 鯽、鮒、鰶、鯽瓜子 |
功效作用 | 滋補(bǔ),利水。主治脾胃虛弱,胃痛嘔吐,水腫,走馬牙疳,牙痛等。 |
英文名 | Goldfish |
始載于 | 《名醫(yī)別錄》 |
毒性 | 無毒 |
歸經(jīng) | 胃經(jīng)、脾經(jīng)、大腸經(jīng) |
藥性 | 平 |
藥味 | 甘 |
目錄 |
jì yú
鯽魚(鯉科)Carassius auratus
鯽魚是雜食性魚,但成魚主要以植物性食料為主。因?yàn)?a href="/index.php?title=%E6%A4%8D%E7%89%A9%E6%80%A7%E9%A5%B2%E6%96%99&action=edit&redlink=1" class="new" title="植物性飼料(尚未撰寫)" rel="nofollow">植物性飼料在水體中蘊(yùn)藏豐富,品種每繁多,供采食的面廣。維管束水草的莖,葉,芽和果實(shí)是鯽魚愛食之物,在生有菱和藕的高等水生植物的水域,鯽魚最能獲得各種豐富的營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)。硅藻和一些狀藻類也是鯽魚的食物,小蝦,蚯蚓,幼螺,昆蟲等它們也很愛吃。
生活在小型河流和池塘中的鯽魚,它們是遇流即行,無流即止,擇食而居。冬季多潛入水底深處越冬?! ?/p>
除上述幾種經(jīng)濟(jì)價(jià)值較大的優(yōu)良鯽魚外,還有江蘇省六合縣的龍池鯽魚,產(chǎn)于內(nèi)蒙古海拉爾地區(qū)的海拉爾銀鯽等等,它們的共同特點(diǎn)是個(gè)體大、肉嫩、味美,均深受當(dāng)?shù)厝罕娝矏?。 ?/p>
2.雜交鯽魚。以方正銀鯽為母本,太湖野鯉為父本“雜交”而獲得的子代。試養(yǎng)表明,它雜交優(yōu)勢明顯,具有適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)、生長快、個(gè)體大、食性廣、病害少、肉味鮮美等優(yōu)點(diǎn),受到生產(chǎn)單位的普遍歡迎。適合于內(nèi)塘、外蕩、河浜以及湖泊圍養(yǎng),是一種經(jīng)濟(jì)效益和社會效益都較好的養(yǎng)殖新品種?! ?/p>
目前市場上銷售的鯽魚品種較多,如果需要區(qū)分野生鯽魚和養(yǎng)殖鯽魚可以參照以下方法:首先,看魚的個(gè)體大小。一般養(yǎng)殖的鯽魚上市規(guī)格比較大,尤其是選育和雜交的品種,個(gè)頭會比較整齊。野生鯽多為大水體捕撈或垂釣而來,個(gè)頭大小不齊,而且普遍偏小,住往只有養(yǎng)殖鯽魚的一半大小。其次,看魚的體型。養(yǎng)殖的鯽魚一般背脊隆起,身體較寬,而野生鯽魚身體紡錘型非常明顯,頭較小。再次,可以看魚的體色。養(yǎng)殖的鯽魚體色較淺,側(cè)面以銀白色的居多,野生的鯽魚體色發(fā)淺黃,體表光亮?! ?/p>
性腺不育 湘云鯽、湘云鯉為異源三倍體新型魚類,自身不能繁育,可在任何淡水漁業(yè)水域進(jìn)行養(yǎng)殖,不會造成其它鯽、鯉魚品種資源混雜,也不會出現(xiàn)繁殖過量導(dǎo)致商品魚質(zhì)量的下降。
生長速度快 實(shí)踐表明,湘云鯽生長速度比普通鯽魚品種快3-5倍,當(dāng)年魚苗最大生長個(gè)體可達(dá)0.75kg;湘云鯉的生長速度比普通鯉魚快30%-50%,當(dāng)年魚苗最大生長個(gè)體可達(dá)1.7kg。
雜食性,攝食力強(qiáng),養(yǎng)殖成本低 湘云鯽、湘云鯉為雜食性魚類,湘云鯽兼有濾食浮游生物的特點(diǎn),比其他鯉、鯽魚品種餌料利用率高,同時(shí)由于無生殖腺的發(fā)育,因此所攝取的營養(yǎng)全
成活率高,抗病力強(qiáng) 湘云鯉夏花魚種成活率在90%以上,冬片魚種成活率可達(dá)98%以上。試驗(yàn)表明,湘云鯽、湘云鯉抗病力強(qiáng),從未發(fā)現(xiàn)大規(guī)模感染疾病的現(xiàn)象。
耐低溫、低氧 湘云鯽、湘云鯉一般不會因?yàn)椤胺禾痢倍鴮?dǎo)致魚苗大量死亡,適宜高密度池塘精養(yǎng)、網(wǎng)箱及稻田養(yǎng)殖等。湘云鯽、湘云鯉在水溫10℃以上即可攝食生長,延長了生長期,在北方地區(qū)當(dāng)年也可養(yǎng)成商品魚。
體形美觀、肉質(zhì)鮮嫩、營養(yǎng)價(jià)值高 湘云鯽、湘云鯉可食部分高出普通鯽、鯉魚10%-15%,肌間細(xì)刺少,肌肉呈味氨基酸含量明顯高于日本白鯽和普通鯽、鯉魚。
為我國重要食用魚類之一。肉質(zhì)細(xì)嫩,肉味甜美,營養(yǎng)價(jià)值很高,每百克肉含蛋白質(zhì) 13克、脂肪 11克,并含有大量的鈣、磷、鐵等礦物質(zhì)。鯽魚藥用價(jià)值極高,其性味甘、平、溫,入胃、腎,具有和中補(bǔ)虛、除濕利水、補(bǔ)虛贏、溫胃進(jìn)食、補(bǔ)中生氣之功效,尤其是活鯽魚汆湯在通乳方面有其他藥物不可比擬的作用。鯽魚汆冬瓜,鯽魚熬蘿卜,不僅味道鮮美,而且可以祛病益壽。條小的鯽魚可做酥魚。據(jù)分析,每100克鯽魚肉含蛋白質(zhì)13克,脂肪1.1克,糖0.1克,硫胺素6.6毫克,核黃素0.07毫克,尼克酸2.4毫克,鈣54毫克,磷203毫克,鐵2.5毫克。臨床實(shí)踐證明,鯽魚肉防治動(dòng)脈硬化、高血壓和冠心病均有療效。
《本草綱目》載:“合小豆煮汁服,消水腫:炙油涂,主婦人陰疳諸瘡,殺蟲止痛;釀五倍子煅研,治下血;釀茗葉煨服,治消渴;釀胡蒜煨研飲服,治膈氣?!濒~類 鯉魚
據(jù)行家講,鯽魚下鍋前,人們往往忘不了刮鱗摳鰓、剖腹去臟,卻很少有去掉其咽喉齒(位于鰓后咽喉部的牙齒)的,這樣做出的鯽魚尤其是清燉、紅燒時(shí),其湯汁味道就欠佳,且有的泥味較重。故鯽魚下鍋前最好是去掉其咽喉齒。 寒日食鯽魚的方法
目前主養(yǎng)的鯽魚以異育銀鯽、彭澤鯽、湘云鯽為主,其中又以湘云鯽生長速度最快,其次為異育銀鯽,最后為彭澤鯽。但彭澤鯽外觀優(yōu)于其它品種,出口商品鯽仍以彭澤鯽魚為主?! ?/p>
2.進(jìn)行鯽魚成魚養(yǎng)殖時(shí),魚種平均規(guī)格為50—60g時(shí),每畝放養(yǎng)鯽魚魚種1500---1800尾最為理想,養(yǎng)成商品魚規(guī)格可達(dá)到350---400g?! ?/p>
2.魚的攝食能力受到魚的規(guī)格及池塘水溫的直接影響,故投飼率應(yīng)根據(jù)實(shí)際情況隨機(jī)調(diào)整,而不應(yīng)該一成不變?! ?/p>
預(yù)防方法:①在鯽魚種下塘前1—2天用2.5%敵百蟲粉劑全池潑灑,使池水呈lppm。②小面積主養(yǎng)池,可在發(fā)病季節(jié)每半月全池潑灑90%晶體敵百蟲0.3ppm,大面積鯽魚混養(yǎng)池,可在鯽魚生長季節(jié),在食場周圍進(jìn)行敵百蟲掛簍(袋),每月—2次,每次連掛2天。治療方法:在養(yǎng)殖中,出現(xiàn)患病征兆時(shí),及時(shí)觀察檢查,確診后一次性全池潑灑0.5ppm90%晶體敵百蟲、0.2ppm硫酸亞鐵合劑。對于繼發(fā)性鯽錨頭鳋病(或已多次使用敵百蟲的池塘),可改用農(nóng)用敵殺死全池潑灑,用量為每畝水深1m用6一lOmL?! ?/p>
鯽魚泌尿器官是腎臟,腎臟是1條長的紫紅色條狀物,位于腹腔的背部,屬于中腎,在排泄廢物方面,中腎的主要功能就是形成尿液。血液中溶解的代謝產(chǎn)物、水和營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)等,經(jīng)過腎臟內(nèi)腎小球過濾,其中的水分和營養(yǎng)物質(zhì)(如葡萄糖、氨基酸,以及鈉、鈣、鎂、氯等離子)大部分回到血液中去,剩下的濾液和多余的有害物質(zhì)形成尿液,由輸尿管排除體外?! ?/p>
3.鯽魚肉嫩味鮮,可做粥、做湯、做菜、做小吃等。尤其適于做湯,鯽魚湯不但味香湯鮮,而且具有較強(qiáng)的滋補(bǔ)作用,非常適合中老年人和病后虛弱者食用,也特別適合產(chǎn)婦食用?! ?/p>
鯽魚不宜和大蒜、砂糖、芥菜、沙參、蜂蜜、豬肝、雞肉、野雞肉、鹿肉,以及中藥麥冬、厚樸一同食用。吃魚前后忌喝茶?! ?/p>
.熱量 (108.00千卡)
.蛋白質(zhì) (17.10克)
.脂肪 (2.70克)
.碳水化合物 (3.80克)
.膽固醇 (130.00毫克)
.維生素A (17.00微克)
.硫胺素 (0.04毫克)
.核黃素 (0.09毫克)
.尼克酸 (2.50毫克)
.維生素E (0.68毫克)
.鈣 (79.00毫克)
.磷 (193.00毫克)
.鉀 (290.00毫克)
.鈉 (41.20毫克)
.鎂 (41.00毫克)
.鐵 (1.30毫克)
.鋅 (1.94毫克)
.硒 (14.31微克)
.銅 (0.08毫克)
.錳 (0.06毫克)
忌:鯽魚補(bǔ)虛,諸無所忌。但感冒發(fā)熱期間不宜多吃?! ?/p>
源于《千金藥方》。漏蘆、鐘乳石均能下乳汁,常相配伍。本方配入鯽魚更能補(bǔ)氣生血、催乳。用于產(chǎn)后氣血不足,乳汁減少?! ?/p>
1. 鯽魚紅燒、干燒、清蒸、汆湯、均可,但以汆湯,最為普遍;
2. 冬令時(shí)節(jié)食之最佳;鯽魚與豆腐搭配燉湯營養(yǎng)最佳;
3. 如用陳皮和鯽魚煮湯,有溫中散寒、補(bǔ)脾開胃的功效,適宜胃寒腹痛、食欲不振、消化不良、虛弱無力等;
4. 巧去魚腥味:
吃過魚后,口里有味時(shí),嚼上三五片茶葉,立刻口氣清新?! ?/p>
《本草經(jīng)疏》:鯽魚調(diào) 味充腸,與病無礙,諸魚中惟此可常食。
《本草圖經(jīng)》:鯽魚,性溫 無毒,諸魚中最可食。
《醫(yī)林纂要》:鯽魚性和緩,能行水而不燥, 能補(bǔ)脾而不清,所以可貴耳。
張鼎:和蒜食少熱,同砂糖食生疳蟲,同芥菜食成腫疾.同豬 肝雞肉雄肉鹿肉猴肉食生癰疽,同麥門冬食害人。
《本經(jīng)逢原》: 鯽魚,有反厚樸之戒,以厚樸泄胃氣,鯽魚益胃氣。
《隨息居飲食 譜》:外感邪盛時(shí)勿食,嫌其補(bǔ)也,余無所忌?!讹嬍稠氈罚忽a魚 子忌同豬肝食。
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鯽魚-糖尿病--Liao200707 2014年1月10日 (五) 12:41 (CST) 留言: 臺灣學(xué)術(shù)研究單位:中山醫(yī)學(xué)大學(xué) 國科會 中山醫(yī)學(xué)大學(xué)經(jīng)實(shí)驗(yàn)證實(shí),鯽魚與天然藥用植物山藥,地黃,枸杞提取物能延緩糖尿病胰島β細(xì)胞的惡化,經(jīng)4周,8周,16周的觀察發(fā)現(xiàn),鯽魚提取物有效提升體內(nèi)抗氧化環(huán)境,使血糖下降情形有增多趨勢,有助于穩(wěn)定血糖。試驗(yàn)觀察中更發(fā)現(xiàn),鯽魚水萃物有效改善糖尿病并發(fā)癥發(fā)生。 給鯽魚條目的留言--Liao200707 2014年1月14日 (二) 15:24 (CST) 留言: 2014年1月8日SCI國際醫(yī)學(xué)期刊Hindawi發(fā)表了中山醫(yī)學(xué)大學(xué)采用鯽魚復(fù)方在治療糖尿病的創(chuàng)新成果 Research Article Antidiabetic Effects of Carassius auratus Complex Formula in High Fat Diet Combined Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice 1.Medical Center of Aging Research, China Medical University Hospital, No. 91, Hsueh-Shih Road, Taichung 40402, Taiwan 2.School of Nutrition, Chung Shan Medical University, No. 110, Sec. 1, Chien Kuo North Road, Taichung, 40201, Taiwan 3.Department of Medical Research, Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, No. 110, Sec. 1, Chien Kuo North Road, Taichung 40201, Taiwan 4.School of Medical Laboratory and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University, No. 110, Sec. 1, Chien Kuo North Road, Taichung 40201, Taiwan Received 24 October 2013; Accepted 13 December 2013; Published 8 January 2014 Academic Editor: Bor-Show Tzang Copyright ? 2014 Zhi-Hong Wang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract Carassius auratus complex formula, including Carassius auratus, Rhizoma dioscoreae, Lycium chinense, and Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch, is a combination prescription of traditional Chinese medicine, which has always been used to treat diabetes mellitus in ancient China. In this study, we provided experimental evidence for the use of Carassius auratus complex formula in the treatment of high fat diet combined streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced type 2 diabetes. Carassius auratus complex formula aqueous extract was prepared and the effects of it on blood glucose, serum insulin, adipose tissue weight, oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), total cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) levels in mice were measured. Moreover, adiponectin, TG synthesis related gene expressions, and the inhibitory effect of aldose reductase (AR) were performed to evaluate its antidiabetic effects. After the 8-week treatment, blood glucose, insulin levels, and adipose tissue weight were significantly decreased. OGTT and HOMA-IR index showed improved glucose tolerance. It could also lower plasma TG, TC, and liver TG levels. Furthermore, Carassius auratus complex formula could inhibit the activity of AR and restore adiponectin expression in serum. Based on these findings, it is suggested that Carassius auratus complex formula possesses potent anti-diabetic effects on high fat diet combined STZ-induced diabetic mice. 1.Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder which affects people worldwide. By the year 2030, diabetes mellitus is estimated up to about 5% of the world’s population (i.e., 366 million people) [1]. More than 90% of diabetic patients account for type 2 diabetes [2]. The characteristic of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Therefore, a newer strategy in the treatment of type 2 diabetes is to reduce insulin resistance in peripheral tissue and control of blood glucose level. Adiponectin and resistin are two kinds of adipose tissue releasing signals with different functions on the control of insulin sensitivity. Previous studies on adiponectin strongly suggest that lower adiponectin levels play an important role in the development of insulin resistance and metabolism disorder related diseases (such as type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis) [3–5]. Moreover, more evidence suggests a role of resistin in the etiology of both insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus [6, 7]. Long-term elevated glucose level in the blood likely leads to a variety of diabetic complications such as neuropathy [8], nephropathy [9], and retinopathy [10]. These are partly caused by an increase of oxidative stress. Furthermore, activation of the polyol pathway via the enzyme aldose reductase (AR), which showed an increased activity during hyperglycemia [11], is responsible for diabetic neuropathy and nephropathy [12, 13]. Thus, AR may act as an important therapeutic target in the control of diabetes [14]. In addition, positive net energy balance, resulting from more energy intake and inefficient action of insulin on peripheral tissues, leads to an accumulation of triglyceride in many tissues. Diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) catalyzes the final step in the biosynthesis of triacylglycerol from diacylglycerol and fatty acyl-CoA. Moreover, the triglyceride content in the tissues was suggested to be closely correlated to the insulin resistance [15]. Current antidiabetic drugs usually have adverse side effects and ineffectiveness against some long-term diabetic complications [16]. Therefore, discovery and development of novel agents for diabetes are still needed. Plants are recognized as a wonderful source for medicines. It is estimated that 1200 species of plants are used as folk medicines for diabetes [17]. Various pharmacological researches of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) have clearly demonstrated their biological properties in the treatment of diabetes, such as antihyperglycemia [18], antioxidantive [19], inhibitory activity of AR [20]. Carassius auratus complex formula is a combination prescription of four ingredients including Carassius auratus, Rhizoma dioscoreae, Lycium chinense and Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch. In previous study, results showed that Rhizoma dioscoreae, Lycium chinene and Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch have potent anti-diabetes effects separately [21–23]. In ancient China, Carassius auratus complex formula has always been used in folk medicine to treat diabetes, but it still lacks of scientific evidence of its clinical applications. Therefore, antidiabetic effects of Carassius auratus complex formula in high fat diet combined STZ-induced type 2 diabetic mice have been investigated in the present study. All of these results could enhance our understanding regarding the applications of Carassius auratus complex formula toward diabetes. Discussion It has well been known that type 2 diabetes is a multiorgan disease characterized by impaired insulin sensitivity and altered lipid metabolism and storage [31]. The most common signs seen in diabetes are hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and TG accumulation in liver and adipose tissue. It is suggested by some previous studies that excess amount of TG accumulation in adipose tissue leads to obesity, and moreover ectopic storage of TG in nonadipose tissue such as liver is associated with insulin resistance and glucose intolerance [32, 33]. In the present study, our results showed that treatment of diabetic mice with Carassius auratus complex formula reduced insulin resistance as indicated by OGTT and HOMA-IR index and normalized lipid storages in liver and adipose tissue. In addition, we have also observed that serum TG and TC levels were significantly reduced after 8-week treatment, indicating that Carassius auratus complex formula could improve glucose homeostasis and restore abnormal lipid metabolism in type 2 diabetes. As shown in Table 1, the Carassius auratus complex formula is mainly composed of crucian carp, a fish, which may help to act as a good source of protein. Data from an ecologic study suggest that fish intake may play a role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes [34], which is also supported by an animal experiment showing a favorable effect of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish, on insulin resistance [35]. Recent study has indicated that high fish intake was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese men [36]. In the present study, our results showed that crucian carp possesses antidiabetic effects and could restore the protein expression of adiponectin, one kind of adipose tissue releasing signals with its function in the control of insulin sensitivity. Together with Rhizoma dioscoreae, Lycium chinene, and Rehmannia glutinosa libosch in formula, it might improve the nutrition status under diabetes condition. Furthermore, previous studies have demonstrated that Rhizoma dioscoreae, Lycium chinene, and Rehmannia glutinosa libosch, respectively, possess anti-insulin resistance, antioxidant, and hypoglycemic activities [21–23]. The evidence cooperatively demonstrated that antidiabetic effects of this formula may be performed by these various components. Although biosynthesis of TG is essential for normal life physiology, excess amount of TG accumulation results in obesity. The most common type of lipid abnormalities in diabetes is triglycerides accumulation in liver and adipose tissue, and thus it increases insulin resistance. In our study, we showed the phenomenon of reduced DGAT genes expressions in liver and adipose tissue after treatment in mice. This could be a strategy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. In previous study, McTernan et al. [37] found that the gene expression of resistin was upregulated in men who had abdominal obesity, indicating that visceral fat deposition is well association with resistin expression and insulin resistance [38]. In our results, we have observed that Carassius auratus complex formula treatment significantly downregulated resistin expression in parallel with decreased abdominal adiposity and reduced insulin resistance. Some evidence revealed that adiponectin is an adipocyte-specific protein, which plays an important role in energy and glucose metabolism [39], and its reduced circulating level is linked to obesity, insulin resistance, and diabetes [40]. Moreover, Yamauchi et al. [41] suggested that adiponectin could rescue insulin resistance via reducing TG contents in liver and skeletal muscles. In accordance with these studies, our results demonstrated that treatment of diabetic mice with Carassius auratus complex formula improves the insulin resistance and glucose intolerance via restoring and/or enhancing the circulating level of adiponectin. Hyperglycemia is frequently found in type 2 diabetes and is often viewed as a risk factor for diabetic complications [42]. Diabetic patients with chronic hyperglycemia lead to an increase in the activity of AR from 3% to 30% and finally complications happen [43, 44]. In this study, treatment of Carassius auratus complex formula suppressed the increase of AR compared to diabetic group, as a meanwhile decreasing fructosamine level. The fructosamine is an index of intermediate glucose control (one to three weeks) and valuable screening test for diabetes mellitus [45, 46]. Moreover, long-term hyperglycemia results in increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [47]. In this study, treatment of Carassius auratus complex formula reduced serum, liver, and kidney MDA levels, supporting a beneficial effect for type 2 diabetes management. 承認(rèn):美國國家衛(wèi)生院 | |
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